300+ Lovely Cute status quotes for Whatsapp in English

Lovely Cute style status quotes for Whatsapp in English with images : Hey Guys, Whats up ! Today, i come back with a latest collection of lovely cute status for whatsapp for your lovely ones. Use these cute status quotes on Whatsapp or share with your Boyfriend or Girlfriend. I assure you that these quotes on cute status will really help you to have fun with your Boyfriend or Girlfriend and husband or wife. So, have fun. Don’t forget to comment your precious words.

lovely Cute status quotes for Whatsapp
Cute Status Quotes

Latest Awesome Cute Status for Whatsapp 2020

It 😉 doesn’t matter if the #Guy is Perfect or the #girl is #perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other.

Lotus,Tulip,Jasmin,Lilly All #flowers are #Sweet but they have no comparison with You.😘

If i didnt #Care about you, i wouldn’t get so mad at the things you do.

Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life.

None of my #Wishes have come true. Can I #borrow yours Baby?

Let’s make a #perfect_crime together, I’ll steal your #heart ♥ while you’re stealing #mine.

I walk down the #street with #music in my ears and feel like I’m in a music video

Cute Status for Girlfriend

Your #Eyes are the #sweetest 🌟 star’s I have ever seen.

#Ability is what you’re #Capable of doing, motivation determines what you do, and attitude determines how well you do it.

People #Say that what you see is what you get, so i can see you does that mean you’re mine?

Everytime I #see you, I #run_out of words to say. How can… I make conversation when your taken my breath away.

#Boys are like songs, good or bad you still can’t get them outta your #mind

Be #simple but look #stylish , Be Tough but look #soft, Be tense but look Cool, Be a winner but look like a beginner .

Best gift you can give to someone is your #time. Because you give them somothing you can never get back.

Life starts at the end of #comfort_zone

Cute Lovely Status for Whatsapp in English

Sometimes it’s not about #winning the #race, sometimes it’s all about #participating in it

#Falling_down is a part of life, getting back up is #living

Keep on #fighting until you’ve won all your battles.

You must keep Moving Forward, Never look #back.

My #heart #melts seeing the sparkle in my #daughter’s eyes and the smile on her #face.

Scars are #natural_tattoos. Everlasting reminders of battles that we have fought and that we have won.

Never ever give up…✌

Let it go, can’t #hold it back.🙂

Stop wishing & Start doing 🙂

When you can’t change things in your life, move on 💔🙂

Remember 🤗, when the going gets tough,The tough gets going.

I am #stubborn and I admit it, so it’s ok

#Stressed spelled backwards is #Desserts

Every Whatsapp status is a silent message for someone 😘✌

Hey, you are reading my status again??🙂

Life is Short…. Chat Fast😍

Whatsapp cute status of Attitude in English

I love being myself, What’s your problem now..? ✌

Love me or #hate me but you will never change me ✌😎

I didn’t change, I just #grew up. You should try it once. ✌

Once in a while, night in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.😘

#Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world. #Finding_you is the first.

Why is Monday so far from Friday and Friday so near to Monday…??

I don’t #understand how my room gets so #messy when I literally sit in one place with my phone all day.

I thought, I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted #paychecks.

Take Life, one cup at a time…!! ✌

All of #Gods creations, his best Creation work was you 😎✌

I am single because God is busy Finding the best Gf for me ✌

#Distance and #time do not matter when you are in my heart 😘

Yes, I’m #smiling and you’re not the reason anymore.🙂

I always learn from #mistake of others who take my #advice.

Motivational Cute Status in English 2020

Born to #express not to #impress ✌

When I miss you 🙂 it seems every song I listen to is about you.

If nobody #hates you, you are doing something boring.😉

No matter how #old you are, I will always #hold you in my #arms and #kiss away your tears.😍😘

Never #walk_away from something you truly want. Fight for it. It is not enough to be a sweet girl. Fight for what you believe in.

In my #baby’s blue #eyes, I see a sea of #innocence.

Every little #girl wants a #boy who will never make her #cry.

We #love you when you’re good. We #still love you when you’re bad. I love being your #mother. He loves being your #dad.

I wish the only #monsters that existed were the one’s that live under my #daughter’s bed.😂

She believes the world is pretty and #bright, Oh, how i wish that she was completely #right.

Never back #down from the obstacles that may be ahead.

You can not #shelter your children from it all. #Educate them, so if a problem ever arises, your child will know how to# respond.

Dancing with #fairies,flying through the sky, #sliding down rainbows, and jumping on tree tops. A #fantasy adventure in a child’s mind.

How lovely it would be to live in a world of imagination. 🙂😍

If you break her heart,  her dad will break you.

Don’t put out the #fire in her #soul. Let it burn.

Final Words :
Are you satisfied with these quotes ? I think you are. That’s why you are here at the end of the post ! If you really like these Lovely Cute status quotes for Whatsapp, Kindly share them with your Lovely ones too. If you want more fresh quotes of this type, and more images on these quotes, You can tell us in comment section below.
Have a nice day.

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