Super Angry Hate Status quotes in English

Hate Status are the quotes to express your feelings towards your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, etc., in the English language. Now a days, people are used to with social media platforms, and also prefer social media to express their feelings and emotions. For the people who have hateful feelings towards anyone, we brought the best collection of HATE STATUS QUOTES to use them on social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, twitter, etc.

hate status quotes
Feeling Hateful

Latest Hate Status in English

#Love_me or #hate me, either way, you are still thinking of me

Love me or hate me, I #promise you that it is not going to make or #break me.

One very fine #day, you’ll see what you have #lost, and one day, I will see what I’ve gained.

I am a very #affectionate person, but I don’t have to prove it to you anymore.

During #the_times I was in love with you, I realized that we were actually building a house of #cards. A little gust of wind and its gone.

I #hate when you don’t try to reconcile in #Love, I have also stopped that too

It hates when people can #run their mouths behind yer #back. Grow some balls and say it to my face

oh you don’t like me well my #baseball bat would like to have a sleepover with your #face

It’s a #shame that your so #worried about my life, that you don’t have one of your own

Its better to #alone than to be with #loosers

Love me or #hate me, either way, you are  #thinking of me

What I hate more than #bullies are those that standby and do #nothing

I think you need to work on that look, two #faced doesn’t suit you

Why is it the #hard_working people have to work harder to get what they need but the #non_working people get it handed too them?

Why do people #mistake patience and understanding for #ignorance and stupidity

#Ever_notice its those people saying they hate #drama that start it..? It doesn’t make sense to me.

You talk behind my back only because you are #afraid to say things to my #face.

Ever notice its those people #saying they hate #drama that start it? It doesn’t make #sense to me.

Hate feelings quotes for Whatsapp Status

The people that work hard don’t get the #credit.The people that just do nothing get #everything.

#Knowing I’ll never be able to have you, is something I #honestly hate.

I wish my brain has an option to block some #thoughts, thoughts of you would have been the #first.

Despite #hating you this much, I still #care.

I think you #need to work on that look, #two_faced doesn’t suit you

I hate #feeling #irrelevant to people who I take to be important to me.

Don’t take your life too #seriously. It’s not like you’re going to get out #alive.

It is better to be #hated for what you are, than to be #loved for what you are not.

I don’t know what have i #become.

I just want to #punch a wall as hard as I can. I hope I miss and it hits your #face.

Don’t #hate me because I’m beautiful,#hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am.

Tell me what you’re #thinking… Don’t #dedicate a song so I have to guess

I don’t have time to #hate people, who hate me. because, I’m too busy in #loving people who love me.

It’s not that I hate you oh wait i do #hate you.

#Knowing I’ll never be able to have you, is something I #honestly hate.

I wish my #brain has an option to block some #thoughts, thoughts of you would have been the #first.

I #hate feeling #irrelevant to people who I take to be important to me.

#Despite hating you this much, I still #care.

I Hate You- Hateful Felling Status for Ex

Hate #ricochets, but #kindness does too

I #hate you, God. I hate you as though you actually #exist.

Those people, who #hate you, envy your #freedom.

Hate is… It’s too #easy. Love, Love takes #courage

There is no #beauty in #sadness. No honor in suffering. No growth in fear. No #relief in hate. It’s just a waste of perfectly good happiness.

#Animals don’t hate, and we’re supposed to be #better than them

Hate must make a man #productive. Otherwise one might as well #love

Hate is like a #swordfish, working through water #invisibly and then you see it coming with blood along its blade, but transparency disarms it.   

#Hate cages all the good things #about_you

¢Hate always sells well, but for repeat trade and the long pull happiness is #sounder_merchandise.

Others may hate you. But those who hate you don’t win, unless you #hate them. And then, you #destroy yourself.

#Comics are my first #love, and I hate seeing an art form that I love suffer. 

Hating people is like #throwing stones at the tree which can’t give you any #fruit.

Don’t #doubt yourself, that’s what #haters are for

#Haters are a drop in the
#ocean.There’s that much more love.

Who loves me #teaches me #tenderness. Who hates me teaches me caution

The world #hates change, yet it is the only thing that has #brought progress.

Feeling Angry and Hateful Rude Status quotes in English

The further a #society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who #speak it.

#God’s love so fills my #thoughts, I find that hate is #crowded from my mind.

Yeah, I am not #perfect, but at least, I have my own #love.

One very fine day, you’ll see what you have #lost, and one day, I will see what I’ve #gained.

Years of #love have been #forgotten, in the hatred of a minute

Time spent loving you – #Time_Wasted

Your love was #awesome. It came quickly and left #effortlessly, thank you.

So you are #blaming me for everything..? Well, my love was always a #reflection of yours.

#Trust get you killed, love gets you #hurt and being real gets you hated. They are all worth it.

Yes, we really became #strangers who knew each other well, #really well.

#Love me or #hate me, I am still amazing, so #adore or ignore me

I don’t #hate my family, but sometimes I #feel I have better #friends than family.

It doesn’t matter how long you think you know them. One #day they will show their #true_colors.

I don’t ¢hate you, I only hate the things you do and the things you once #did.

I want to #punch this wall in front of me so #hard. I just hope I miss it so it can hit your #ugly_face.

#Haters, please stay far away from me. You all have bad #energies

Don’t think I’m #weak because I’m #silent. I just hate fighting with you

The reason I hate #Love is that it #changes me when I’m around you.

Love me or #hate me, I am still #amazing, so #adore or ignore me

Final Words :

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